Rehab 4 Addiction

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Quick links for help with drug and alcohol addiction rehab in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire

Like elsewhere in the UK, some in Northamptonshire are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.

It is incredibly easy for social alcohol use to turn into daily or binge drinking without notice, and the same is true of any addictive substance.

If you’re one of them, why not contact Rehab 4 Addiction and get immediate access to the help and support that you need?

Northamptonshire suffers significantly [1] from addiction issues, with recent statistics indicating the need for proper rehab treatment.

Northamptonshire Drug and Alcohol Abuse Statistics Value
Estimated opioid or ‘crack’ users 3,415 (7.5 per 1,000 adults)
Adults consuming illicit drugs 35%
Reported crimes linked to alcohol (2018-2019) 7,494
Emergency department presentations for alcohol-related assaults in Northamptonshire 806
Alcohol-specific deaths (2018) 340 (48.4 per 100,000)
Potential life years lost per 100,000 population aged 75 and under in Northamptonshire 617


Since 2010, we’ve helped countless people to find suitable drug and alcohol rehabs in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire, with many of them overcoming their issues and going on to live happier and healthier lives.

Modern rehabs in Northamptonshire offer evidence-based treatments. Any medicated detox procedures will follow NICE Guidelines. [2]

These treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy and modern psychotherapy.

If you’re ready to take the first step to a clean and sober future, get in touch today.

Is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire Right for Me?

Chairs set up for group therapy at drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Chairs set up for group therapy at drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Drug and alcohol abuse are huge problems globally, with addiction affecting countless people and taking countless lives every year.

It also places extra strain on emergency services, the police, social care services and many other public bodies.

Despite this, many suffering from addiction don’t know that they need addiction treatment through rehab. So, it’s vital to know the signs of drug and alcohol abuse so you know when it’s time for rehab.

Those most in need of rehab treatment in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire would include:

  • People who have tried on many occasions alone to achieve sobriety without success.
  • Those suffering from addiction often develop co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety, personality disorders, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Individuals suffering from both conditions should consider rehab urgently due to the dangerous nature of mixing prescribed medication for mental illnesses with drugs or alcohol. This practice dangerously interrupts normal mental functioning and creates extra barriers when trying to detox at home.
  • Individuals their drugs and alcohol abuse from their friends and family regularly.
  • Anyone drinking 30 or more alcohol units of alcohol per day. This increased consumption demonstrates an increased tolerance and subsequent need to consume more alcohol.
  • Once intoxicated, individuals display mood swings, personality changes, or inflict violence against their partner, family, or friends.
  • Individuals often put themselves at risk of injury due to unsafe behaviours that accompany addiction. Excessive alcohol and drug misuse result in impaired judgment leading to risky activities like driving over the limit, practising unprotected sex, or sharing needles during drug use.
  • Patients suffering from chronic conditions such as Wernicke’s Encephalopathy, alcoholic seizures, and delirium tremens.
  • Individuals demonstrating a clear substance dependence as determined by the DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -5th Edition) [3] diagnostic criteria. Matching three or more of the below-set criteria in a year shows that substance dependence has evolved and is creating a negative aspect of their life.

There is another addiction screening tool that can help you to determine if you have an addiction issue, the 4 Ps – standing for Parents, Partner, Past, and Present. To conduct this test, you need to ask:

  • Parents: Did any of your parents have problems with alcohol or other drug use?
  • Partner: Does your partner have a problem with alcohol or drug use?
  • Past: In the past, have you had difficulties in your life because of alcohol or other drugs,
    including prescription medications?
  • Present: In the past month, have you drunk any alcohol or used other drugs?

Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

Diagnosing Addiction in Northamptonshire: DSM-5

Man sat taking notes at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Man sat taking notes at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

It’s not always easy to identify a substance use disorder (SUD), especially if someone is struggling to be honest.

But help is available for clinicians through the DSM-5. [4]

This tool is beneficial at diagnosing SUD’s and judging the extent of their problem by separating them into mild, moderate, or severe levels. The DSM-5 approach does this by using its own scoring symptom.

Patients have 11 questions to answer. If patients show two to three symptoms, they will go into the mild substance use disorder category.

If they show four to five signs, their addiction would be classified as a moderate SUD.

But showing six or more symptoms would suggest severe SUD that requires urgent help. This severe SUD would then be classed as an addiction.

Medical professionals won’t ask you to complete this test to make you feel bad but rather to get you the most appropriate drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Northamptonshire for the best chance of success.

That’s why it’s so important to be completely honest when faced with the DSM-5 approach.

To learn more about your options for drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire, call our team today on 0800 140 4690

The Admissions Process at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Therapy group working together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Therapy group working together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Admitting yourself to rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire can be confusing and daunting as you search tirelessly for the right treatment centre. But at Rehab 4 Addiction, we are here to help you find the easiest path to recovery.

The first step you’ll need to take is to contact a treatment provider or rehab referral services like ourselves to discuss your needs.

By completing an easy assessment through Rehab 4 Addiction, we can assess your needs to make appropriate referrals for rehabs that would most benefit you.

We’ll always consider your circumstances and personalised treatment needs to find the proper physical and psychological therapies, location, setting and price for you in Northamptonshire.

Then, once you’ve decided on a rehab centre, you’ll undergo a more thorough assessment to ensure you receive a comprehensive treatment plan.

Rehabs in Northamptonshire often use the aforementioned (DSM-5) [5] to determine the severity of substance abuse disorders (SUD). It does so by breaking addiction down into three levels.

These levels include mild, moderate, and severe SUD’s. The criteria for severity rely on the number of 11 symptoms patients demonstrate.

So, for example, a mild SUD suffer would need to show two to three symptoms.

Similarly, showing four to five symptoms would show a moderate SUD, while six or more symptoms would indicate a severe SUD, also classified as an addiction.

The ASAM Criteria [6] is also an effective tool in assessing an individual’s treatment needs, both in type and intensity.

Using the six dimensions of the ASAM Criteria allows for a comprehensive approach to assessment that covers all aspects of treatment, including the mind, body, and appropriate addiction treatments.

Lastly, rehabs in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire often use the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) [7] to assess drinking behaviours, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems.

There are two versions of the 10-item screening tool, meaning clients, as well as clinicians, can conduct the test.

Patients are asked to answer a set of questions with a 0 to 4 ranking, based on the number of standard drinks they consume.

Harmful or hazardous alcohol use is indicated by a score of eight, whereas a score of 13 plus suggests alcohol dependency.

Questions are split into three sections to determine alcohol intake, the level of physical dependence, and the consequences.

These are just a few of the many different psychiatric assessments used by psychiatrists and addiciton specialists to diagnose addiction, with the CAGE Questionnaire being another popular one in Northamptonshire. [8]

These tests all allow for the creation of a bespoke, person-centred care plan made up of physical and psychiatric treatments, chosen specifically for the way they meet the needs and preferences of the patient.

If these criteria have made you wonder about your own need for drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire, then begin the admissions process by calling our team on 0800 140 4690

Before Rehab in Northamptonshire Begins: Intervention

Group holding raised hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Group holding raised hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Often, it can take the intervention of friends and family for individuals to understand that they have a problem with addiction. Therefore, staging an intervention can be a vital aspect of the pre-rehab steps in helping your loved one get the support they need.

An intervention in a pre-coordinated attempt by friends and family, with the sole purpose of explaining to your loved one how their alcohol has become a problem for everyone involved.

However, the aim should always be to encourage your loved ones to accept that they have a problem and encourage them to get help from a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire. 

But, because individuals struggling with alcohol or substance abuse often find it hard to accept that they have a problem, enlisting an intervention specialist will give you the tools you need to do this.

CRAFT Intervention for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Another way to help your loved one overcome addiction when conducting an intervention is to use the CRAFT approach (Community Reinforcement And Family Training). [9]

Unlike the standard type of intervention that lacks education around recovery, it ensures family members are taught the best methods to aid their loved ones in reaching sobriety.

The CRAFT approach methods involve safety training, motivation building, communication skills training, treatment entry training, immediate treatment entry, and life enrichment.

This method is incredibly beneficial for anyone refusing to accept help.

For guidance in holding an intervention in order to successfully convince a loved one to attend rehab, call our team today on 0800 140 4690

How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire Cost?

Couple supporting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Couple supporting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

A few factors will have an impact on the exact cost of rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire. For starters, different rehab centres will have different prices.

How long you plan to stay in rehab is another big factor, as is whether you choose a private or multiple occupancy room.

But rest assured, there is a rehab out there to suit anyone’s budget. For example, those on a tight budget may want to consider the low cost of £1,500 for home detox, which can bring its own level of success.

Unfortunately, however, the budget price means you won’t receive withdrawal care around the clock.

However, if you can afford at least a 10-day detox programme, it gives you a better chance of sobriety.

For a 10-day rehab stay in a multi-occupancy, you’ll spend between £2,000 to £4,000, or £3,000 to £6,000 for a single occupancy room.

Depending on the severity of your addiction, you may have more success with a 28-day stay. The cost ranges from £8,000 to £12,000 for a single occupancy room or £6,000 for a multi-occupancy room.

A quick call to our helpline means we can try to give you more exact prices for rehab in Northamptonshire, where possible.

To get a more personalised answer to how much your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire will cost, call us today on 0800 140 4690

Private vs NHS Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire

Patient and therapist talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Patient and therapist talking together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

As standard, we always refer our clients to private clinics in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire due to their effectiveness, but this will incur treatment costs.

For those on a reduced budget, this can cause some worry.

For those who cannot afford private rehab in Northamptonshire, there are council-funded addiction treatments that are entirely free.

Although both options work hard to get you back on track to sobriety, there are pros and cons to private rehab and council-funded rehab.

Council-Funded Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Free and NHS-run addiction treatment services in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire – both those offered through NHS Foundation Trusts and local charities [10] – include:

1. CAMHS Northampton

Address: First Floor, Newland House, Northampton, NN1 3EB

Telephone: 03000 273 737


2. Turning Point Northamptonshire & Milton Keynes

Address: 1-9 Barton Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK2 3HU

Telephone: 01234 219 817


3. Substance to Solution (Change Grow Live)

Address: Spring House, 39 Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5BA

Telephone: 0808 169 8512


4. Bridge Substance Misuse Programme

Address: 63c Gold Street, Northampton, NN1 1RA

Telephone: 01604 621 259


There are a number of remote services that could also assist in overcoming addiction, including Change Grow Live, We Are With You, Turning Point, the National Association for Children of Alcoholics and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

You may also be able to gain access to a sober living house if your home environment is not conducive to recovery.

Public-funded treatment in Northamptonshire won’t cost you a penny, but can incur long waiting lists for treatment, which can dampen your motivation.

This delayed waiting time is never an issue with a private rehab clinic, as you receive almost immediate access to the essential treatment you need.

But, of course, this always incurs a cost that might not be suitable for all.

This financial investment might seem expensive, but you’ll get personalised treatment options in Northamptonshire based on your needs with private treatment.

These treatments range from vital medically managed detox clinics to essential talking therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), group therapy and holistic therapies.

Unfortunately, you don’t always get enough time with a therapist or the same therapist through public rehab as the patient-to-therapist ratio is much higher.

When addiction is causing significant damage to life, having access to extensive treatments that are not always provided in council-funded rehab is vital to their long-term sobriety.

Furthermore, the highly skilled therapists and doctors at private rehab will ensure sure you don’t leave rehab in Northamptonshire without a relapse prevention plan in place. Also, you’ll usually be offered a free 12-month aftercare programme to keep you on track.

Unfortunately, this is not always something you’ll have access to in council-funded treatment.

Lastly, because of the high waiting lists for council-funded treatment in Northamptonshire and across the UK, you might find yourself placed in an outpatient centre if the wait is too long.

Private rehab allows you to be away from the distractions of rehab, while the time away from treatment sessions through non-residential rehab can place extra strain on your recovery.

If you are interested in attending private rehab, make sure to call us to help you find a rehab to suit your budget.

For more help choosing between private and public rehab in Northamptonshire, call our team today on 0800 140 4690

How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire Last?

Exterior picture of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Exterior picture of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Just as the treatment you receive depends on your needs, type of addiction, and severity, so does the length of time you may spend in rehab.

However, because rehab tend to refer to residential care, the timelines are often shorter than outpatient rehab.

For milder addictions or those at risk of relapse, you may be able to complete your treatment at a rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire over just seven days.

But for those where alcohol or drug use is damaging their life, a more extended 28-day stay in recovery has better success rates.

A 28-day rehab stay allows you to safely go through medically managed withdrawal and provides the time needed to go through vital therapies.

These therapies help you get to the bottom of your addiction and allow you to learn coping mechanisms against relapse triggers.

There isn’t a set limit, though. If your addiction warrants it, you’ll be able to extend your rehab stay for up to 28 days, often with the bonus of a free 12-month aftercare programme.

To find out how long your stay at drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire will last, chat with our team today on 0800 140 4690


Empty alcohol bottles in front of a mirror

As tolerance to alcohol builds, so does the need for a safe and effective medically managed withdrawal.

Physically withdrawing from alcohol sets you up properly to receive the necessary therapy to ensure long-term sobriety.

Alcohol requires a detox because, like heroin, ketamine and many other substances, it is physically addictive.

A detox will not be necessary for every addiction, such as cannabis or cocaine, and of course, behavioural addictions like gambling addiction do not require a detox.

Withdrawing from alcohol is not easy, with some of the most uncomfortable alcohol withdrawal symptoms including:

Severe alcohol addictions can even lead to potentially hazardous symptoms.

To ensure your safety, at Rehab 4 Addiction, we will always refer you to a detox clinic that can help you go through alcohol detox safely.

In addition, a rehab centre in Northamptonshire will be able to facilitate a medically-assisted detox using the benzodiazepine Chlordiazepoxide –  better known as Librium – to ensure your safety.

Clinicians will provide you with an appropriate dose to suit your level of addiction.

Another medication used at rehab is Acamprosate (Campral®) as it can help to rebalance the chemicals in the brain that have been damaged by alcohol.

An alcohol addiction can also cause anxiety and depression, which means you might be able to get prescribed medications such as an antidepressant like nefazodone, desipramine, or imipramine.

The opioid antagonist Naltrexone can also be used to cut alcohol from your life as it decreases the alcohol you consume. Naltrexone helps with uncoupling the relationship between alcohol and pleasure.

This form of treatment helps to ensure that panic, confusion, anxiety and withdrawal seizures are minimised, making alcohol withdrawal syndrome much safer.

After you’ve safely gone through detox, your treatment is then facilitated with three weeks at rehab in Northamptonshire, allowing you to tackle the emotional causes of your addiction through a range of evidence-based therapies, depending on your needs.

These therapies often include talking therapy like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, and holistic therapies.

You’ll also receive support in creating a personalised relapse prevention plan that allows you to avoid triggers for post-rehab life in Northamptonshire.

Make sure your alcohol detox is safe and effective with the help of an alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire. Call our team today on 0800 140 4690

The Dangers of Unmanaged Alcohol Withdrawal in Northamptonshire

One-to-one therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

One-to-one therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

As already mentioned above, the withdrawal process is not only uncomfortable but incredibly dangerous.

Without a safe alcohol detox treatment, patients often find themselves suffering from the physical and emotional symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS).

Dangerous symptoms come in withdrawal seizures, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and hallucinations. Even the milder symptoms involve fatigue, nausea, and fever.

Without the proper treatment, AWS can result in life-threatening delirium tremens (DT).

Therefore, severe alcohol withdrawal requires the correct medicines and therapies to manage your symptoms and ensure your safety.

If your alcohol addiction is so powerful that these symptoms scare you, at-home, alone detox may likely result in dangerous AWS symptoms.

You must ensure your safety and comfort by seeking expert care from a rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire that provides a medically managed alcohol detox clinic.

Calling our helpline for a quick assessment means we can help you do this.

Don’t risk the dangers of an unmanaged alcohol withdrawal – get the help you need from an alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

Alcohol Home Detox in Northamptonshire

Two people drinking coffee and talking at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Two people drinking coffee and talking at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Alcohol home detox is a possible option for those who can’t or don’t wish to detox in a residential clinic in Northamptonshire. But this option is only really suitable for those with a mild addiction.

To ensure your suitability for home detox in Northamptonshire, you’ll need to be assessed to check your levels of alcohol consumption.

Concerns are reduced for lower-risk patients who consume less than 30 units of alcohol per day, meaning these patients can often go through home detox safely at home.

You’ll receive Librium in the post when going through home alcohol detox.

Librium, the brand name for benzodiazepine, provides essential calming and soothing effects on anxiety when going through the difficult first stage of alcohol detox.

It is never advisable to go through self-detox alone at home, without medical care. Doing so puts your safety and comfort in jeopardy.

Instead, you can be more relaxed and protected through rehab-facilitated home detox through this vital anti-withdrawal medicine and daily monitoring via phone.

Although this is a more comfortable and cheaper option, home-detox is only applicable to those with mild addictions and ample support from loved ones.

In addition, it is never as safe as receiving fully supervised detox in a residential setting where moderate to severe addictions are concerned.

Beat your alcohol addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

Cocaine Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Therapist supporting a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Therapist supporting a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Cocaine can be extremely difficult to battle due to its highly addictive nature. Those who have been abusing cocaine for a long time often build a high tolerance that needs professional support to overcome.

As cocaine changes the brain, it creates temporary and robust feelings of pleasure, making it difficult to obtain a natural high from everyday activities like fun and eating.

These changes usually cause increased tolerance, repeated use and eventually a

Receiving professional support through rehab in Northamptonshire becomes even more essential as the physical and psychological damage of cocaine starts to play havoc with your health.

However, because withdrawing from cocaine or crack cocaine does not produce any dangerous withdrawal symptoms, you won’t need to go through a ‘cocaine detox.’

Finding the right cocaine addiction rehab in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire will provide you will all the proper support and therapies required to recover from cocaine dependence.

Beat your cocaine addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

Heroin Rehab in Northamptonshire

Two recoverees embracing at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Two recoverees embracing at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Like cocaine, heroin is a hazardous drug that’s easy to get addicted to but difficult to overcome.

Breaking away from heroin is not the easiest process, but like in any other opioid use disorder, it is vital to living a free and healthy life.

Withdrawal symptoms appear hours after a hit of heroin, which not only causes you to crave more heroin quickly but also means you could go into dangerous withdrawal shortly after.

Because of the difficulty in recovering from heroin addiction and the dangerous nature of its withdrawal symptoms, put yourself on the best path for recovery by enrolling in heroin rehab in Northamptonshire.

Finding a rehab for heroin with the right kind of medically managed detox centre allows you to go through heroin withdrawal safely and comfortably.

Buprenorphine works to minimise the worst heroin withdrawal symptoms, allowing the individual to focus on overcoming heroin addiction.

Once you are safe from the physical effects of heroin, rehab provides essential therapies that let you understand why you became addicted to heroin and how to overcome it.

Beat your heroin addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

Cannabis Rehab in Northamptonshire

Group holding leaves

Group of people holding leaves

Despite its illegal status in most countries, cannabis sustains its popularity as a harmless and ultimately health-promoting drug.

Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth, as cannabis can bring a host of chronic health problems when used for a long-time.

Although cannabis is not physically addictive and does not require physical withdrawal, it still can destroy lives due to its psychoactive nature.

A study by Wayne Hall and Louisa Degenhardt [11] showed the adverse side effects of regular use of cannabis during adolescence and into adulthood to include ‘a dependence syndrome, increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, impaired respiratory function, cardiovascular disease, and adverse effects of regular use on adolescent psychosocial development and mental health’.

In addition, as people use cannabis for extended periods, they often become withdrawn and indifferent to life.

This apathetic mood is exasperated by an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. If this sounds like your life, then a change is needed.

Finding a mental health professional through a cannabis rehab in Northamptonshire is vital in helping you reach this recovery goal.

With therapies and a relapse prevention plan at your disposal, cannabis rehab provides all the treatments and activities you need to get to the root of your cannabis use disorder and learn to cope with triggers.

Beat your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

Therapies Offered at Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Couple supporting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Couple supporting each other at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Finding a rehab centre in Northamptonshire that provides a full range of therapies means finding your best chance of recovery.

Because most addictions affect the mind and body, the most effective treatments work towards physical and psychological recovery.

At Rehab 4 Addiction, you’ll go through a thorough but straightforward assessment so we can find you a facility that provides a complete treatment plan to suit all of your needs.

Treatments on offer can include:

Dual Diagnosis at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire

Group therapy session in progress at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Group therapy session in progress at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Complete and effective recovery should always come with a full dual diagnosis to check for any mental health conditions that occur alongside addiction.

According to the NESARC data, [12] 28.6% of people with a current alcohol use disorder diagnosis had at least one personality condition, such as bipolar disorder.

These co-occurring mental health conditions can sometimes exist before addiction has surfaced, often leading to the addiction itself.

In contrast, poor mental health can be a side effect of drug or alcohol abuse.

The types of underlying psychiatric disorders that a clinician will be looking for as part of your diagnosis include mood disorders like:

Providing a comprehensive treatment plan based on this dual diagnosis usually offers the best chance of recovery success at drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire.

You can also find general mental health support at Rethink Mental IllnessPapyrusYoung Minds, Samaritans and Mind UK.

Physical conditions that occur as a result of addiction are also considered under dual diagnosis and have to be taken into account during treatment in Northamptonshire, including conditions such as heart disease, liver failure and alcoholic hepatitis.

To learn more about how a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire will help support your mental health, call us on 0800 140 4690

Relapse Prevention Planning at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

Support group stood holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Support group stood holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Relapse is a common factor in any chronic disease, and especially addiction recovery.

Moreover, leaving rehab in Northamptonshire often causes excess nerves as patients wonder if they can handle life’s stresses and inevitable triggers.

Putting a plan in place allows you to put your mind at rest.

Because the nature of addiction makes it hard to achieve life-long recovery, having a relapse plan in place is essential to minimising your chances of relapse.

The drug and alcohol rehab centres in Northamptonshire we refer you to will use the last few days to help you put together a suitable relapse prevention plan.

So, when you can feel the pull of temptation getting too strong and fear relapse, you can refer back to your written plan and take pre-emptive steps to avoid relapse.

Helping You Select the Right Treatment Provider at Rehab in Northamptonshire

Bedroom in a luxury drug and alcohol rehab centre in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Bedroom in a luxury drug and alcohol rehab centre in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

At Rehab 4 Addiction, we’ve built up a robust database of treatment providers in Northamptonshire, many of which have state-of-the-art facilities and luxurious and comfortable living quarters.

We carry out a short assessment to find out more about your addiction.

This will allow us to match you with a local treatment facility in Northamptonshire that’s ideally placed to meet your needs.

Most of the rehab clinics in Northamptonshire that we work with are privately run, which means there’s rarely a wait for treatment. You’ll be able to access the treatment that you need immediately.

Addiction is a progressive disorder, which means it may only get worse the longer you wait.

Therefore, it really does make sense to seek help as soon as possible.

Your Options for Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Northamptonshire and Near Northamptonshire

People sat laughing together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

People sat laughing together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire

Your options for addiction treatment in Northamptonshire really come down to either residential treatment or outpatient treatment.

Although it’s certainly possible to be treated on an outpatient basis, at Rehab 4 Addiction we may recommend that you receive treatment within a residential rehab clinic.

Not only will you be completely removed from the temptations of alcohol and drugs, allowing you to focus solely on recovering from addiction, but you’ll also receive a higher level of care from a team of medical professionals.

This is especially important during the detox process when withdrawal symptoms can pose a serious threat to your health and mental well-being.

Going through alcohol detox in your own home is an option for anyone without the budget to visit a residential rehab but still needing a medically managed detox.

However, this is only possible if you suffer from mild alcohol addiction.

Rehab centres that provide home detox will provide a thorough assessment, alcohol detox medicine in the form of Librium if necessary, and daily telephone support and monitoring.

Support groups in Northamptonshire such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), [13] Narcotics Anonymous (NA) [14] and Cocaine Anonymous (CA) [15] are highly effective and practical services, providing both peer support and the chance to lean on a higher power when addiction feels overwhelming.

Research has shown that regularly attending meetings and staying active in the 12-step programme for one or more years brings greater chances of sustained abstinence.

When a family member’s drinking affects the whole family, it can be incredibly damaging, leaving deep wounds. Al-Anon Family Group Meetings [16] can help mend these wounds, as can Alateen. [17]

These family therapy sessions help you feel a little more understood, motivated, and confident as you listen to the group share experiences similar to your own, as well as success stories.

Suffering from active addiction can be incredibly isolating and demoralising.

But just like family group sessions, SMART Recovery Groups in and near Northamptonshire [18] allow you to share and feel understood due to the social nature of the meetings.

The meetings use research-based tools such as cognitive behavioural therapy to help clients find ways to overcome their addiction.

Furthermore, trained facilitators always run the SMART Recovery meetings to ensure they follow a regular, organised structure.

Call our team today on: 0800 140 4690.

Getting In Touch with Rehab 4 Addiction

Friends hugging each other outside of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Friends hugging each other outside of a drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire or near Northamptonshire

Getting in touch with our team at Rehab 4 Addiction is easy. You can either call us on 0800 140 4690 or send us a message via our website.

Whatever the nature of your addiction, we’re here to help you access a leading drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire, improving your odds of making a full recovery.

Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission. [19]

Get help for addiction anywhere in Northamptonshire, including in Northampton, Kettering, Daventry, Wellingborough, Corby, Warmington, Woodford, Towcester, Woodnewton, Yarwell, Ashley, Barton Seagrave, Brampton Ash, Braybrook, Broughton,  Burton Latimer, Cranford, Cransley, Desborough, Dingley, Geddington, Grafton Underwood, Harrington, Loddington, Mawsley, Newton and Little Oakley, Deanshanger, Scaldwell, Walgrave and many more.

This article was written by Boris Mackey. You can connect with Boris online at LinkedIn or

References for drug and alcohol rehab in Northamptonshire and near Northamptonshire

  13. Northamptonshire

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