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Messy Church

What is Messy Church?

 If you're avoiding church because you think it's all religious, stiff and formal, you REALLY need to check out Messy Church. Sometimes boisterous but always fun, Messy Church is a way of being church for families involving fun for all ages. It is based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Whilst it varies every time, you'll generally find games, crafts, activities, a song or two, and, importantly, food!


Messy Church 2025:
Easter Sunday, 6th April
Summer Sunday, 22nd June
Harvest Sunday, 5th October
Christmas Sunday, 7th December

Register your interest!

Our past Messy Church:


Past Events Photos here

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Book Here! Whittlesey Messy Church Registration Form

Register for Whittlesey Messy Church at Queen Street Church

Messy Church 2024

Booking for Next Messy Church 2024

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