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Messy Church: Embracing Challenges and Celebrating Joy for Christmas


Despite unexpected hiccups, our inaugural Messy Church event at Queen Street Church was a delightful whirlwind of laughter, connection, and community spirit. While a pre-event heating issue and a seemingly malfunctioning oven threatened to dampen the mood, we faced them with resilience and a dash of divine intervention (or perhaps just some very helpful switches!).

The initial heating issue had us suspecting the boiler, but a trusty plumber quickly diagnosed it as a leaky roof. We tackled the water leak while keeping the show running, proving that a little rain (or roof leak) can't dampen our spirits!

The next test came in the kitchen with an oven that, as Lyn prepped the delicious food, seemed determined to stay stubbornly cold. We double-checked switches, braced ourselves for "cold and frozen" pizza (served with a healthy dose of laughter, of course!), and then, just as hope began to flicker, Matt spotted the magic solution – a hidden switch dedicated solely to the school hall oven! Thank goodness for unexpected discoveries!

And wouldn't you know it, despite the gloomy weather that often keeps attendance low, we were delightfully surprised by a turnout exceeding our expectations! A total of 26 young people and their families filled the school hall with vibrant energy and joyous noise. The air buzzed with laughter as children painted, played, and danced (especially during the rousing rendition of "This Little Light of Mine"). Tea time brought smiles and warm conversations, and the positive feedback from both kids and parents was music to our ears.

We believe this successful gathering had a touch of divine intervention, but in all honesty, it was primarily fuelled by the amazing volunteers, the spirit of community, and a good dose of adaptability. We're thrilled to have shared this special event with our community and can't wait for the next Messy Church gathering.

Do check out the video we posted on the Queen Street Church Facebook page. It captures the joy and energy of the day perfectly!


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