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When praying for rain, bring your umbrella.

When praying for rain, don't forget your umbrella - Hernando Sun

(The source of this photo is the internet.)

Do you truly think what we pray is what we believe? Or do you believe in what we pray is what we should do? I have a story that might shed some light on this.

It is about a small farming community that had been experiencing a terrible drought. The crops were dying in the fields and everyone was very worried because this is how they made their living. The pastor of the local church called a special prayer service for all the people of the town to gather in front of the church and spend some time agreeing in faith that God would send some rain. As the pastor was getting ready to begin the meeting, he noticed a young girl standing quietly in the front. 

Pastor: (Smiling) Hello there! You seem very excited to be here today. What's your name?

Girl: Hi! I'm May. We're praying for rain, right?

Pastor: Yes, that's right, May. We're all hoping God will send some much-needed rain for our crops.

Girl: (Open the umbrella) That's why I brought this! Grandma always says, 'when you pray for rain, bring your umbrella!

Pastor: (Chuckles) An umbrella, that's a clever idea. I haven't seen anyone else with one.

Girl: Well, if we pray for rain, it might come, right?

Pastor: (A little sheepishly) You're absolutely right. We should have faith in what we pray for. You've given us all something to think about, Thank you for reminding me!

Girl: (Beaming) Thank you! I just really want the flowers to grow again.

Pastor: Me too, Me too. Maybe after the service, you can tell me all about your favourite flower.

So, what can we learn from the little girl, May and her umbrella? When we pray, are we just saying words, or are we showing our faith through actions?

Think about it! When you pray for something, do you also try to make it happen? Just like having an umbrella shows you believe the rain might come, our actions can show how much we believe in our prayers!

If you believe the power of praying, why don't we pray together?

Prayer of thanksgiving

God of rain and God of Sunny,

We give thanks for your grace, that you still keep us while we have little faith,

Thank You for those who walk the journey with us,

Even a little child can remind us who we are and what we believe. 

Open our eyes, ears, hearts and minds to your Word

through these words and through our thoughts.

May we take what we have heard

and find space to ponder

Thank you for the Words you have given us.

In Jesus’s name we pray



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